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We are great

And what makes this group so great, is the team of professionals that work here. They make our values –quality, service and innovation– come to life. That’s why we want the best, but to get the best we have to make them want to work here. And that’s why we offer stable working conditions, with the option of training and development from day one.

We also offer a pleasant, fun, flexible environment with the possibility of developing a career based on respect and reconciling work and family life.

These are the five principles (with their objectives) that are the basis of our HR policy:

  1. Respect and recognition.
  2. Professional and personal development.
  3. Values ​​supported by leadership skills.
  4. Competitive salary and incentives
  5. Resources for doing the job.

Do you want to join
the team?

Before answering, think that you will be joining a very strong, attentive team, focused on innovation and customer-satisfaction research. We develop concepts for the future, design brand strategies and share one and the same goal: to make our customers happy through the foods served in our restaurants.

The dynamism of our business means that anyone and everyone who wants to work here must have a positive attitude, enjoy working in teams and feel proud of belonging to Pans & Company.


We’re expecting you!

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